A – Jaguar Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms

Last Updated:
March 18, 2022

This glossary was compiled by Don B at jaguarforums.com and is reproduced here
with his permission.

A = Ampere, Amperes; Acceleration
A Bank = (cylinders 1, 3, 5 or 1, 3, 5, 7) (Bank 1, RH Bank)
A-Pillar = A-Post, structure that connects roof to chassis alongside the windshield/screen
A-Post = A-Pillar, structure that connects roof to chassis alongside the windshield/screen
AAC = Auxiliary Air Valve
AAFV = Adaptive Air Flow Value (AMFR)
AAI = Air Assist Injection
AAIV =Air Assist Injection Valve
AAMFR = Adaptive Air Mass Flow Rate (AAFV, AFR, AMFR)
AAT = Ambient Air Temperature Sensor (AATS)
AATS = Ambient Air Temperature Sensor (AAT)
ABC = After Bottom Center, After Bottom Dead Center (ABDC)
ABDC = After Bottom Dead Center, After Bottom Center (ABC)
ABS = Anti-lock Brake System, ABS Control Module
ABS Sensor = Anti-lock Brake System wheel speed sensor (WSS)
ABSSCP = Anti-lock Brake System Speed Control Processor
AC = Alternating Current
AC or A/C = Air Conditioning (AC)
A/C CM = Air Conditioning Control Module (A/C ECU, ATC, CCM, CC ECU)
A/C ECU = Air Conditioning Electronic Control Module (A/C CM, ATC, CCM, CC ECU)
ACC =Accessory, A/C Clutch, Adaptive Cruise/Speed Control, ACC Module (ACCM, ASCM)
ACCM = Adaptive Cruise/Speed Control Module (ACC, ASCM)
Accumulator = Spherical reservoir in which hydraulic fluid is held under pressure (ATE or ACDelco)
ACEA = Association des Constructeurs Européens d’Automobiles, European standards organization
ACJC = Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs
ACM = Audio Control Module or Audio Connectivity Module
ACT = Air Charge Temperature, Air Charge Temp. Sensor (CTS, IAT, IATS, MAT, MCT, VAT)
A/D = Analog-to-Digital (see D/A)
ADAS = Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (see LKA, Mobileye, Gentex)
ADC = Analog-to-Digital Converter (see DAC)
ADC = Active Differential Control, Jaguar EAD system based on GKN Driveline’s ETM (w.s.)
ADCM = Active Dampening Control ModulE (controls CATS/ECATS, part of ASM on X350 & late S-Type)
ADHLS = Axle Deflection Height Level System (LCM)
ADHLS L = Left Hand Axle Deflection Height Level System (LHLCM)
ADHLS R = Right Hand Axle Deflection Height Level System (RHLCM)
ADM = Adaptive Damping Module (ADCM) (controls CATS/ECATS, part of ASM on X350 & late S-Type)
ADRC = Adaptive Dampening Ride Control Module
AE = AutoEnginuity, an advanced professional OBD diagnostic system
AEB = Autonomous Emergency Braking
AED = Automatic Enrichment Device
AEM = Active Engine Mount
Aerial = Antenna
Aeroscreen = A low windscreen as often seen on early Jaguar racing cars
AF or A/F = Air Flow, Air/Fuel, Air-Fuel Ratio (AFR), Automatic Frequency Switching (radio)
AF or A/F Across the Flats, wrench size based on fastener head size rather than shaft diameter
AFM = Air Flow Meter (AMS, MAF, MAFS, MAS)
AFR = Air/Fuel Ratio or Air Flow Rate (AAFV, AAMFR, AMFR)
AFSV = Air Flow Sensor Voltage, MAF sensor voltage
Agent, Main = Jaguar Dealer/Dealership
AGM = Absorbed Glass Mat battery, type of VRLA with electrolyte contained in fiberglass mats
AHB = Automatic High-Beam control
AHCM = Auxiliary Heater Control Module
AHR = Active Head Restraint
AIR = Antipollution Industrial Research, firm of Michael May, designer of HE Fireball cylinder head
AIR = Secondary Air Injection System
Air Cleaner = Air Filter
Air Cleaner Box = Air Filter Housing
Air Filter = Air Cleaner
Air Filter Housing = Air Cleaner Box
Air Mass Sensor = Mass Air Flow Sensor (AFM, MAF, MAFS)
AIRC = Air Injection Check Valve, Secondary Air Injection Check Valve (SAIRC)
AIRP = Air Injection Regenerative Pump, Secondary Air Injection Pump (SAIP)
AKA or a.k.a. = Also Known As
AKI = Anti-Knock Index, fuel performance rating system, same as (R+M/2); see MON, RON
Alfin = ALuminium-FINned brake drums fitted to some XK120s to help overcome brake fade
Allen screw = Set screw, Grub screw
Alligator Clip = Crocodile Clip
Alloy = Aluminum/Aluminium or Magnesium Wheel or Rim
ALR = Automatic Locking Retractor
Alternator = Generator (AC), see Dynamo
Ambla = Vinyl upholstery fabric with expandable knit backing introduced by Jaguar in 1968
Amecoil = AMECA tradename for helical thread insert in Amelock nuts used on many Jaguar axles
Amelock = AMECA trademark for self-locking nut with Amecoil insert, used on many Jaguar axles
AMFR = Air Mass Flow Rate, Adaptive Air Mass Flow Rate (AAFV, AAMFR, AFR)
Amp, Amps = Ampere, Amperes
AMP = Amplifier, Audio Power Amplifier
Ampere = Unit of Electric Current, the measure of electric charge flowing in a circuit (Amps), see Volt
AMRE = Automotive Maintenance & Repair Association, organization behind MAP
AMS = Air Mass Sensor (AFM, MAF, MAFS, MAS)
ANSI = American National Standards Institute Establishes standards such as the UTS (w.s.)
Antenna = Aerial
Anti-clockwise = counter-clockwise
Antipollution Industrial Research = AIR, firm of Michael May, designer of HE Fireball cylinder head
Anti-roll Bar = Anti-sway bar, sway bar, stabilizer bar, torsion bar
Anti-sway Bar = Anti-roll bar, sway bar, stabilizer bar, torsion bar
AP = Accelerator Pedal
API = American Petroleum Institute, trade assoc. that establishes motor oil stds.; see ILSAC, ACEA
APP = Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor
APP1= Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Resistive Element 1
APP2 = Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Resistive Element 2
ARC = Active Roll Control
ARHUD = Augmented Reality Head-Up Display (see HUD, LHUD)
ARM = Automatic Restraint Module or Adaptive Restraint Module
Armature = The rotating coil in a generator or electric motor; crash-reinforcement plate in a bumper
ARTS = Adaptive Restraint Technology System
ASC = Adaptive Speed Control, Adaptive Speed/Cruise Control Module (ASCM, ACC, ACCM)
ASCM = Adaptive Speed/Cruise Control Module (ACC, ACCM)
ASE = Automotive Service Excellence, National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
ASL = Automatic Speed Limiter
ASLS = Automatic Speed Limiter Switch
ASM = Air Suspension Module (ASCM, ASU)
ASME = American Society of Mechanical Engineers Establishes standards such as the UTS (w.s.)
Aspect Ratio = Ratio of height to width, esp. ratio of a tire’s section height divided by its section width
ASU = Air Suspension Control Unit (ASCM, ASM)
ASME = American Society of Mechanical Engineers, establishes various industrial standards
ASIS = Adaptive Shift Strategy (TCM shift strategy adaptation based on driving style)
AT, A/T = Automatic transmission
ATC = Automatic Transmission Control or Automatic Temperature Control (see DATC)
ATC = Automatic Temperature Control Module ( A/C CM, A/C ECU, ATCM, CCM, CC ECU)
ATCISO = Automatic Temperature Control ISO bus
ATC = After Top Center, After Top Dead Center (ATDC)
ATCM = Automatic Temperature Control Module (A/C CM, A/C ECU, ATC, CCM, CC ECU)
ATDC = After Top Dead Center, After Top Center (TC)
ATF = Automatic Transmission Fluid
ATMC = Automotive Training Managers Council
ATO Fuse = Standard-size two-blade or spade automotive fuse patented in 1976 by Littelfuse (w.s.)
AUDIO = Audio Unit, Audio Control Unit
Auto Parts Store = Motor Factor
Autobahn = Freeway, Highway, Interstate, Main Road, Motorway, Parkway
Autocalf = Grade of Connolly Leather with embossed grain (see Autolux, Vaumol)
A/V = Audio Visual or Audio/Video
Autolux = Premium grade of Connolly Leather, extra supple with little discernible grain (see Autocalf)
AVC = Automatic Volume Control
AVOM = Analog Volt/Ohm Meter
AWD = All Wheel Drive, all four wheels driven at all times (not to be confused with 4WD)
AWS = Anti-Whiplash System

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