XR8-46158 S-Type Lower Mesh Grille Instructions

Installation instructions for S-Type Lower Mesh Grille
Associated Parts: XR8-46158
Vehicle: Jaguar S-Type

Step 1: Remove Horizontal Vane #

Begin by removing the horizontal vane in lower bumper/grille opening. It is held by three quarter turn turnbuckle fasteners; one in the center and two towards each end.

Step 2: Insert Plastic Plugs #

One Removed, begin installation by inserting the three plastic plugs into the turnbuckle receptacles at points where vane was removed.

Step 3: Install Mesh Grille #

Position the new mesh insert into the lower opening and hold with light pressure. Fasten in place by inserting the three Philips head screws into the plastic plugs through the corresponding holes in the grille mesh.